Home Participants Arne Birger Heli (Norway)

Arne Birger Heli (Norway)


Arne Birger Heli (Norway)
Ship to Gaza Norway
Ship’s mechanic on Al Awda, ‘The Return’

SOS – Release Arne NOW – (video statement here)

Arne Birger Heli (70) from Norway will be the ship’s mechanic for Al Awda (The Return) on the last leg to Gaza. He is the leader of the Palestine committee in Drammen, Norway, and has been to Palestine several times. This is his first attempt to break the illegal Israeli blockade of Gaza. Arne Birger has been working as a ship’s mechanic since the 1960s.

This is an interview with Arne Birger in the Norwegian newspaper Dagsavisen on 20 July 2018: https://www.dagsavisen.no/fremtiden/lokalt/arne-birger-70-forventer-a-bli-fengslet-pa-veien-mot-gaza-1.1175861#