Home Donate


To support our ongoing solidarity work, you can donate to any one of the Freedom Flotilla Coalition campaigns by following the links below/making a bank transfer.

Canadian Boat to Gazacanadaboatgaza.org/donate/

Freedom Flotilla Italia: www.freedomflotilla.net/contatti/

Free Gaza Australia:
Bank transfer to Commonwealth Bank
GFF Australia Group, BSB: 062102, Acc No: 10197185
Please send email to [email protected]
with details of your donation to get a receipt. Or post cheque/Postal Order to PO Box 542, Leichhardt NSW 2042.

MyCARE Malaysia: www.mycare.org.my/donate/

Kia Ora Gaza New Zealand/Aotearoa:

Ship to Gaza Norway: www.shiptogaza.no/ (DONASJONER)

Ship to Gaza Sweden: https://shiptogaza.se/en/donate

Palestine Solidarity Alliance South Africa: www.palestinesa.co.za/contact.html (DONATE)

Rumbo a Gaza (Spain): www.rumboagaza.org/donaciones/

US Boat to Gaza: https://www.nonviolenceinternational.net/donate_ffc