Bergen: Farewell party, April 30 2018 (photos)
Several hundred supporters were at the quayside party in Bergen to show their solidarity with Palestinians today and bid farewell to Al Awda (The Return).
Violence of attack on Al Awda becomes clearer – Hunger strike – ‘Freedom’ is Coming
{:en}Violence of Israeli attack on Al Awda becomes clearer - Hunger strike - 'Freedom' is Coming
#DemandPressFreedom : Israel violates journalists' rights
As most of the participants...
Roger Waters endorses Freedom Flotilla
{:en}Roger Waters, former Pink Floyd band member, produced a video of support for the Freedom Flotilla sailing to Gaza.
He ends by saying: "God...
Cristina Honorato Chulián
Municipal Councillor, City Council of Seville.
Born in Cádiz, Degree in History at the University of Seville
Secondary Teacher of Social Sciences
I have...
Roger Waters in Barcelona “Everyone with Palestine” : video