Home Participants Released Joe Meadors (USA)

Joe Meadors (USA)

Joe Meadors, (USA; sailing on Al Awda, The Return).
Joe is a survivor of the 1967 Israel attack on the USS Liberty, a surveillance vessel operating in international waters of the Mediterranean Sea near Gaza during the 1967 Six-Day Arab-Israeli war, which left 34 US servicemen dead and 174 injured.

Joe has worked for decades with the USS Liberty Veterans Association and was on board during the 2010 Freedom Flotilla. He was also in Greece for the 2011 and 2015 Flotillas.

Quote:  “Americans took to the streets to protest the US government’s policy of separating children of undocumented immigrants from their parents.  Palestinian children in Gaza don’t know from one hour to the next if they will be killed by an Israeli sniper. Americans don’t care about the murder of Palestinian children; Do you think they would protest if the Israelis were “only” separating them from their families?”



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