Home Participants MARÍA JOSÉ (JOE) BOETA



My name is Joe Boeta and I live in Madrid.
I coordinate the Social Rights and Refugee Persons Board of Salamanca district (within Madrid – Foros Locales).

I am part of the Marea K (Marea Kultural), a group formed by activists who defend the
right of people to a free and quality culture and the rights of culture workers to a living wage, welfare, and political freedoms such as freedom of speech, so beaten since the Ley Mordaza exists (a political repressive law). We fight for the end of the patriarchal culture as a fundamental milestone for the emancipation of the humankind.

I have collaborated with other social movements such us PAH (Plataforma de Afectados por la Hipoteca, Platform for victims of mortgages) and Refugio por Derecho (platform pro refugees). In February 2016, in the wake of the humanitarian crisis in Syria, I organized a crowdfunding of humanitarian aid and went to Lesbos, to the Moria Prison camp, where I
worked with families in transit.

The Freedom Flotilla is a breath of hope, it is an example of courage and struggle to make
visible the rights and dignity of Palestinian people abandoned to their fate. We need epic
actions to defeat the monster of intolerance.