Home Participants Mikkel Grüner (Norway/Denmark)

Mikkel Grüner (Norway/Denmark)


Mikkel Grüner (Denmark / Norway)
Ship to Gaza Norway
Deckhand on Al Awda, ‘The Return’

Mikkel has now been released from unlawful detention in Israel. Read a Norwegian report about his experience here.

This is the SOS video that Mikkel recorded.

Mikkel Grüner (44) is a Norwegian politician sailing as deck hand aboard the Al Awda. A Danish citizen, he has lived and worked in Bergen, Norway for over twenty years. He represents the Socialist Left in the Bergen city council. Before he entered politics, Mikkel worked as a computer game producer, a writer and graphic designer. He has illustrated several books and published a board game. Mikkel can be interviewed in Norwegian, Danish or English.

“This is a very important political issue, and it is one I can do something about. The blockade of Gaza is in its 11th year. It is such a gross violation of international law that it can be characterized as a crime against humanity.”

This is an interview with Mikkel in the Norwegian newspaper Fagbladet on 22 May 2018: https://fagbladet.no/nyheter/-barna-mine-kommer-til-a-savne-meg-samtidig-tror-jeg-de-forstar-hvorfor-jeg-gjor-dette-6.91.546402.0a19dcdaf0