Municipal Councillor, City Council of Seville.

Born in Cádiz, Degree in History at the University of Seville

Secondary Teacher of Social Sciences

I have been an activist in political organizations like Izquierda Unida (United Left)and later Izquierda Anticapitalista, but mainly as an activist of diverse movements and social groups: student movement in defence of the Public Education, and Marea Verde (Green Tide), as well as in groups for the Right to the Housing and the March 15th Movement, and trade unionist with USTEA.

I was in charge of the Ateneo Tierra y Libertad (Land and Freedom) in Seville for almost three years, where we formed the “Macondo” Latin American solidarity collective. I have participated in several solidarity brigades in Cuba, Venezuela and Bolivia, as well as to Lesbos and Athens in the refugee crisis during the year 2017. I have also participated in the Opening Borders Caravan on the Southern Border last year and in Dignity for Tarajal Caravans.

I have supported and collaborated with the Coordinating network of Support for the Palestinian People from different activist spaces. Our municipal caucus, together with Izquierda Unida, has presented to the full City Council of Seville several motions in support of the Palestinian people, besides participating in the different campaigns, the last one of them being the Cycling Tour of Andalusia against Israeli Apartheid in May, 2018.