Home Participants Currently on board Emilia Nacher Verdaguer (Spain)

Emilia Nacher Verdaguer (Spain)


Emilia Nacher Verdaguer (Spain)
Rumbo a Gaza 
Deckhand on Al Awda, ‘The Return’

SOS – Release Emilia NOW – (video statement here)

Emilia Nacher Verdaguer is a human rights activist, a nurse, and a lifeguard specialized in emergencies. She has worked with Syrian refugees in Greece for the last two years and has participated actively in the Freedom Flotilla/Rumbo a Gaza for the last two years. She has participated in the Palestinian People’s Assembly in Valencia for the last six years and is a member of BDS-Valencia. She has been sailing with Al Awda since Cagliari and is now a deckhand on board.

In addition to being an activist, Emilia is an avid sailor who has a basic navigation certificate and has taken a training course in safety (international manual).

“Every day I carry the Palestinian people in my mind and in my heart. For me this is an opportunity to be their loudspeaker and to bring them the hope we wish for, to end the blockade and achieve their freedom.”

Emilia writes a blog on the attempt to break the illegal Israeli blockade of Gaza: emilianacherpalestinalibre.blogspot.com/