Home Participants Ferry Sarpooshan (Sweden / Iran, Sailing on Freedom)

Ferry Sarpooshan (Sweden / Iran, Sailing on Freedom)


Ferry Sarpooshan (Sweden / Iran)
Ship to Gaza Sweden
Boat engineer on Freedom

UPDATE: 15:00 CEST/8 August – Ferry Sarpooshan arrived today at Stockholm airport. Watch the video, post his arrival on our Facebook page here.

Watch Ferry’s SOS video here

Ferry Sarpooshan is a Swedish citizen, born in Iran. He moved to Sweden 38 years ago and has been working on the subway, as well as in Swedish radio. Ferry is an engineer and his main function on the sailboat Freedom is both engineering and helping out with other technical issues.

“I am going with Ship to Gaza to help out with world peace. This blockade needs to be broken because it is a crime against human rights and it is an illegal occupation.”