Miguel Urbán Crespo

Activist and member of the European Parliament

He has worked in several NGO and social movements from the times of the alterglobalism to the Indignados movement, going  through the student movement -writing books and articles about this subject –  he has participated in  mobilizations against war, against commodification of universities and mobilizations for decent housing .
As a member of the European Parliament he participates in: Committee on Foreign Affaris, Subcommittee on Human Rights, Special Committee on financial crimes, tax evasion and tax avoidance, Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs, Subcommittee of Security and Defence, Delegation for relations with the Maghreb countries and the Arab Maghreb Union, Delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Union for the Mediterranean and Delegation for relations with Palestine.

“Attacking unarmed civilians, medical personnel, ambulances etc is a war crime; only one more of many committed by Israel against Palestinian people.
We need to push Israel with decisive actions for the end of these horrible crimes and for the end of its impunity.
Public condemnation is not enough unless other meassures are applied too, such as the immediately imposed embargo on arms sales to Israel; the request of suspension of the Association Agreement UE-Israel and the support without delay of the preliminary examination being carried out by the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court and even a call for the investigation of all the crimes committed. The EU and its Member States can´t be complicit in the crimes of apartheid against freedom and equality of Palestinians and the rights of Palestinian refugees”.