Click Here for current Freedom Flotilla Site (this is the 2018 site)

Position of Al Awda (The Return) around noon local time today.

“Al Awda” (The Return) Boarded & Searched by German Coast Guard en route to...

Just before noon local time, the Freedom Flotilla vessel Al Awda (The Return) was boarded by the German Coast Guard, at the orders of...
940 children under 18 shot by live fire, 35 died, according to the UN Independent Commission of Inquiry.

Freedom Flotilla Coalition: Shoulder to Shoulder with the Great Return March

On the first anniversary of the beginning of the #GreatReturnMarch protests by Palestinians in Gaza to mark #LandDay on March 30, the Freedom...

Mike Treen cuestiona el comportamiento del Gobierno de Nueva Zelanda

{:en} Open Letter from Mike Treen to Winston Peters regarding Israeli aggression and New Zealand Government's behaviour. Dear Mr Peters, Thank you for responding to my...

Mikkel Grüner (Norway/Denmark)

{:en}Mikkel Grüner (Denmark / Norway) Ship to Gaza Norway Deckhand on Al Awda, 'The Return' Mikkel has now been released from unlawful detention in Israel. Read...

La violencia del ataque israelí contra Al Awda se confirma – Huelga de hambre...

{:en}Violence of Israeli attack on Al Awda becomes clearer  - Hunger strike - 'Freedom' is Coming #DemandPressFreedom : Israel violates journalists' rights As most of the participants...