From the participants aboard the yacht ‘Freedom’ and the Freedom Flotilla Coalition, thank you to the good people of Brighton, in particular Brighton and Hove Palestine Solidarity Campaign, who hosted us between 5-8 June.

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For the first time, one of our international boats landed on the mainland of Britain, one of the most important countries that props up the illegal Israeli blockade of Gaza.

Special thanks to Lloyd Russell-Moyle MP Caroline Lucas MP, Keith Taylor MEP, as well as delegates and officials of the Fire Brigades Union, local businesses and taxi drivers for your generosity and solidarity. From your noisy, colourful and overwhelming welcome at Brighton Marina, to street stalls, a packed public meeting at Friends House, a social night and then our farewell, your warmth helped make us all feel so welcome. These stories we will share electronically and then in person with our sisters and brothers in Gaza when we reach there next month.

In the same week that Theresa had the audacity to shake hands with – rather than detain – the Israeli Prime Minister at Downing Street, together we helped shine a spotlight on the complicity of the British Government in the war crimes being committed against the Palestinian people of Gaza.
When governments fail to act, people of good conscience must and will!