Inicio News Vídeo – Fragatas israelíes se acercan a Al Awda

Vídeo – Fragatas israelíes se acercan a Al Awda


Hemos obtenido nuevo material grabado el 29 de julio 2018 que muestra el número de buques de guerra y otras embarcaciones de la Armada israelí mandados por las Fuerzas de Ocupación Israelí a atacar nuestro pequeño barco pesquero ‘Al Awda’ (el Retorno). Escucha a la tripulación insistiendo en el derecho de ‘paso inofensivo’, navegando en aguas internacionales bajo pabellón noruego. La grabación es única, dado que nuestras comunicaciones fueron cortadas antes del ataque y todo material y aparato electrónico requisado, robado o destruido.

Para ver lo que ocurrió a continuación, necesitamos el material grabado por las cámaras que portaban los más de cien soldados además de lo que filmaron sus fotógrafos oficiales. ¿Qué crímenes estarán ocultando?


  1. I’ve been writing near-daily to Pompeo for over one year demanding action on the al-Awda and always asking “Where’s the Awda?” Pompeo of course won’t deign to respond to one of his employers.

    Where IS al-Awda? (e.g., in a port of the Zioentity? is it being tended to/maintained shipshape?) I do note somewhere at this site “…the boats which we were delivering as a gift to fishers in Gaza are still in the possession of the Israeli state and remain subject of a court case.” What is the status of the “court case”? Can it be “goosed”?

    • Thank you for demanding answers. The court case is still on in the Haifa maritime court. We are to present our affidavits by the end of this month. Both Al Awda and Freedom are still in the hands of the IOF.

      • I appreciate your response, Zohar. I have no doubt that “…present our affidavits by the end of (August 2019)” will mean months, probably many months, of delay by the Zionists until (if ever) the affidavits are reviewed and conclusions drawn. I hope that you will keep readers informed and, if possible, provide readers the names and addresses of court (sic) officers so that they can be inundated with public sentiment in favor of justice for the Awda (and Freedom) and the hapless Palestinian people…and your stalwart movement.


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