Upcoming ports June 18, 2018 4137 FacebookTwitterPinterestWhatsApp Gaza, Palestine: Al Awda (The Return), Freedom and Falestine arrive end of July 2018. Dates subject to change. Estimated times will be provided when we are able: watch this space for updates! RELATED ARTICLESMORE FROM AUTHOR [Video] Freedom Flotilla to Gaza (Highlights) Video: One Year Ago Today – Israeli Warships Attacked ‘Al Awda’ Remembering Divina Levrini: her shipmates and Flotilla friends 3 COMMENTS God speed How can someone join? Dear Sara please contact the campaign closest to you to see how you can actively support the Freedom Flotilla Coalition. The list of member campaigns can be found here: https://jfp.freedomflotilla.org/partners Comments are closed.
Dear Sara please contact the campaign closest to you to see how you can actively support the Freedom Flotilla Coalition. The list of member campaigns can be found here: https://jfp.freedomflotilla.org/partners
God speed
How can someone join?
Dear Sara please contact the campaign closest to you to see how you can actively support the Freedom Flotilla Coalition. The list of member campaigns can be found here: https://jfp.freedomflotilla.org/partners