Home Participants Ellen Hansson (Sweden, sailing on Freedom)

Ellen Hansson (Sweden, sailing on Freedom)


Ellen Hansson
Ship to Gaza Sweden
Sailing on Freedom

UPDATE: 15:00 CEST/8 August – Ellen Hansson arrived today at Stockholm airport. Watch the video, post her arrival on our Facebook page here

Watch illustrated account of Ellen’s experience here on TRT World.

Watch Ellen’s SOS video here

Ellen Hansson (31) from Gothenburg, Sweden, is a musician and a student. She is sailing with the Freedom Flotilla because she believes every man, no matter where they live, should have their human rights.

“I believe that we, as peaceful activists, possess a great power to raise awareness among people who want to show their support to the Palestinians in Gaza, so that they do not feel forgotten. It is our responsibility as fellow human beings and we can not give up until we have succeeded.”

Facebook Live interview with Ellen on August 9, after her return to Sweden:

This is a video interview made with Ellen, published July 19 :   https://www.facebook.com/mirja.lakso/videos/10156315763575977/?hc_ref=ARQg32RpBMBr7kIHGzO9_yhHShVAZgm0wcVkUNCO9cE7D1uXMT2B9FlciI6fr8b-uJc