Home Participants Lucía Mazarrasa Alvear (Spain)

Lucía Mazarrasa Alvear (Spain)


Lucía Mazarrasa Alvear (Spain) 
Sailing on Al Awda, ‘The Return’
UPDATE: August 1: Has now been released and returned to Madrid.
Please continue to demand release of all Political Prisoners and #DemandPressFreedom

SOS – Release Lucia NOW – (video statement in English here)
SOS – Release Lucia NOW – (video statement in Spanish here)
Enable subtitles at bottom right of screen #SOSjustfuture4Palestine

Lucía Mazarrasa Alvear is a retired nurse who worked in different hospitals in Spain, Geneva and New York. She is a specialist in Public health and has been a teacher in the Nursing School at the Complutense University of Madrid, a professor/researcher at the National Health School of Carlos III Institute for 25 years and has had several publications in magazines both national and foreign. She has also been the editor and author of professional books and chapters.

During the 1980´s Lucía participated in the committees of Support to the Nicaraguan Revolution (Revolución Sandinista) from Madrid and was a brigadista in Nicaragua during the summers of 1985 and 1986, collaborating with the field syndicate of Estelí and Managua.

She is the co-founder of the NGO D Sur which underscored solidarity with Iraq through opposition to the Iraqi blockade in years 1993 and 2000. Lucía herself traveled to Iraq to diffuse information through magazines and health professional congresses on the health situation of the Iraqi people. She has also developed projects in Mozambique, Uruguay, Cuba and Peru throughout the 1990´s. 

Lucía is an Associate of the Feminist politics Forum since its foundation in 1987, which have developed solidarity and support campaigns for the human rights of Moroccan, Algerian and Afghan women. They collaborated with the Women’s Boat to Gaza Rumbo a Gaza in 2016 through an act they held in their 4 Bravo Murillo street headquarters in Madrid in 2017.

They were embedded until 2012 in the Spanish coordination committee for the European Lobby of Women CELEM participating in the IV International Women Conference of NNUU in Pekin in 1995, both in Huairu where the various NGOs conferences took place, as well as in the official Gubernamental delegation in Pekin.

At present they are a part of the Euro Mediterranean Feminist Initiative (IFE) in which organizations of Palestinian women are also integrated, amongst others. 

Lucía has participated with a women’s link in Colombia for the defense of reproductive and sexual rights on the occasion of the Peace process.

Presently she is an associate of the Family Planning Association of Madrid, from which she has collaborated through action towards reproductive and sexual rights in Spain, Costa Rica and Puerto Rico. Lucía was an associate in CAPS Net (Red CAPS) of doctors and health professional until 2013.

As professional she has taken part and developed diverse Cooperation projects framed in a gubernamental development context in Belice, Uruguay, Dominican Republic, Angola and Morocco, all of these related towards nursing formation.