“The suffering of Gaza is a testament to the human capacity for sadism and pretending “not to see”: sadism on the part of the savage Israeli occupiers, who have never relaxed their iron grip on Gaza for a moment and are now assisted by the brutal Egyptian dictatorship; pretending not to see, on the part of all of those who can act effectively to end these crimes but choose to close their eyes or even worse, to provide crucial support to the torturers. Those who choose to see can quickly discover that the millions of Palestinians caged in the Gaza prison, barred from access to the outside world by their oppressors, are living under carefully managed conditions so dire that Gaza may become uninhabitable within a few years. The pretexts for the cruelty collapse quickly on examination, and have been exposed as fraudulent over and over. But the sadistic punishment persists.
Fortunately, there are some who not only choose to see, but also to act to offer a measure of hope to the Palestinians of Gaza. They also provide a demonstration that courage, integrity, and concern for the plight of those suffering from cruel oppression have not vanished from the earth. The Freedom Flotilla Coalition is a stellar illustration, and deserves full support in once again carrying forward its remarkable initiatives, now in new and impressive ways as it offers international solidarity and hope to the Palestinian people in Gaza in their daily struggle.”
Noam Chomsky

The Freedom Flotilla Coalition started our 75 day voyage towards Gaza with a big farewell party on April 30 in Bergen for the converted Norwegian fishing boat Al Awda (The Return), see photos & video here. But we cannot get there without your help: our campaign needs your support in order to pay for the boat that the Freedom Flotilla is sailing against the blockade of Gaza and for a Just Future for Palestine.

Please consider donating through one of the Freedom Flotilla campaigns that are working on this year’s mission, for the Right to a Just Future for Palestine.

Whether you can donate financially or not, please help us spread the word about our campaign:

  • share our messages with your family, friends and/or work colleagues and encourage them to join our mailing list;
  • send an endorsement message from your association, union, congregation or political party;
  • organize and attend events to raise funds and awareness for our campaign;
  • join a Freedom Flotilla campaign near you and encourage others to do so;
  • follow us on the web, Twitter (@GazaFFlotilla), and (new!) Instagram, and share our Facebook posts widely: www.facebook.com/FreedomFlotillaCoalition
  • Together, we can help end the blockade!