At 20:06 (CEST)/03 August 2018, we lost contact with the yacht Freedom, sailing under a Swedish flag, which is on a mission to break the illegal Israeli blockade of the Palestinian people of Gaza. We now know that the boat was hijacked in international waters and illegally taken to Ashdod, Israel. Its last reported position was approximately 40 nautical miles from the coast of Gaza.

United Nations
His Excellency Antonio Guterres
United Nations Secretary-General
Email: [email protected]
Web: (write message)
Twitter: @antonioguterres   @UN_Spokesperson

Contact: The Honourable Chrystia Freeland, Minister of Foreign Affairs
Tel: +1 613 9925234 Fax: +1 613 9969607
Email: [email protected]
Constituency Office
344 Bloor Street West (Main Office) Suite 510 Toronto, Ontario M5S 3A7
Tel: +1 416 9281451 Fax: +1 416 9282377

France or

Contact / Ecrire à Présidence de la République:
Francois-Xavier Lauch: [email protected]  et
Ahlem Gharbi: [email protected]
Ministère des Affaires étrangères – [email protected]   et [email protected]
Ministère de l’Intérieur: stephane fratacci [email protected]

Contact: Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Twitter: @SpainMFA
Spanish Embassy in Tel Aviv
Twitter: @EmbEspTelAviv

Contact: Stefan Löfven, Prime Minister of Sweden Prime minister’s office
Email: [email protected]
Margot Wallström, Foreign Minister of Sweden Foreign Minister’s office
Email: [email protected]  Press secretaries: Erik Wirkensjö +46 8405 1000 / +46 70317 6471
Tel: [email protected]
Pezhman Fivrin
Tel: +46 8405 5361
Email: [email protected]
Jonas Sjöstedt, leader of the Left party in Sweden
Email: [email protected]
Jessica Nordh, press secretary
+46 7307 62290 / +46 7062 00064

Contact: Jeremy Hunt MP – Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs
Tel: 01428 609416, +44 20 7008 1500
Email: [email protected], [email protected]
Alistair Burt MP – Minister of State for the Middle East at the Foreign & Commonwealth Office
Tel: +44 207 219 8132
Email: [email protected]
Jeremy Corbyn MP – Opposition Leader
[email protected]
Emily Thornberry MP – Shadow Foreign Secretary
Email: [email protected]


At 13:15 CEST/29 July 2018, in international waters, Israeli Occupation Forces attacked and boarded our Norwegian flagged boat (Al Awda). The soldiers pulled down the Norwegian flag and trampled on it. On board were 22 people, some of whom were violently assaulted.
SOS video and/or audio messages are available on our Facebook page. All of the imprisoned below are now released and arrived safely home.

Australia – Chris Graham
The Hon Julie Bishop MP Australian Minister for Foreign Affairs – Tel: +61 2 62777500 (ACT)
+61 8 9388 0288 (Perth number of Electorate office)
Email: [email protected]
Contact an MP or Senator – search here.
More information from our partner:

Canada – Larry Commodore
The Honourable Chrystia Freeland, Minister of Foreign Affairs
Tel: +1 613 9925234 Fax: +1 613 9969607
Email: [email protected]
Constituency Office
344 Bloor Street West (Main Office) Suite 510 Toronto, Ontario M5S 3A7
Tel: +1 416 9281451 Fax: +1 416 9282377

Denmark – Mikkel Grüner
Anders Samuelsen, Minister for Foreign Affairs
Tel: +45 3392 0000
Email: [email protected]
Other contact details of advisers here:

France – Sarah Katz or
Ecrire à Présidence de la République:
Francois-Xavier Lauch: [email protected]  et
Ahlem Gharbi: [email protected]
Ministère des Affaires étrangères – [email protected]   et [email protected]
Ministère de l’Intérieur: stephane fratacci [email protected]

Malaysia – Dr Mohd Afandi Salleh
The Hon. Dato’ Saifuddin Bin Abdullah – Minister of Foreign Affairs
Tel: +603 8887 (Ext : 4503)
Email: [email protected]

New Zealand – Mike Treen
Rt Hon Winston Peters – Minister of Foreign Affairs
Tel: +64 4 439 8000
More information from our partner:

Norway – Arne Birger Heli, Gerd von der Lippe, Herman Reksten, Jan petter Hammervold, Jørgen Pederson
Foreign minister – Ine Eriksen Søreide
Email: [email protected]
Tel: +47 2395 0000
Twitter: @NorwayMFA @Utenriksdept ‏

Singapore – Jason Soo
Minister for Foreign Affairs – Dr Vivian BALAKRISHNAN
Email: [email protected]  and  [email protected]
Tel: 1800 4768870 or +65 63798000 or +65 6379 8855
Fax: +65 6474 7885

Spain – Emilia Nacher, Lucía Mazarrasa
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Twitter: @SpainMFA
Spanish Embassy in Tel Aviv
Twitter: @EmbEspTelAviv

Sweden – Charles Andreasson, Divina Levrini, Tobbe Larsson and Carl Staiger
Stefan Löfven, Prime Minister of Sweden Prime minister’s office: Email: [email protected]
Margot Wallström, Foreign Minister of Sweden Foreign Minister’s office
Email: [email protected]  Press secretaries: Erik Wirkensjö +46 8405 1000 / +46 70317 6471
Tel: [email protected]
Pezhman Fivrin
Tel: +46 8405 5361
Email: [email protected]
Jonas Sjöstedt, leader of the Left party in Sweden
Email: [email protected]
Jessica Nordh, press secretary
+46 7307 62290 / +46 7062 00064

Swee Chai Khoo (Dr Swee Ang) – Arrived home 1 August – see brief update here
Jeremy Hunt MP – Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs
Tel: 01428 609416, +44 20 7008 1500
Email: [email protected], [email protected]
Alistair Burt MP – Minister of State for the Middle East at the Foreign & Commonwealth Office
Tel: +44 207 219 8132
Email: [email protected]
Jeremy Corbyn MP – Opposition Leader
[email protected]
Emily Thornberry MP – Shadow Foreign Secretary
Email: [email protected]

US – Joe Meadors
Mike Pompeo, Secretary of State
Tel: +1 202 647 4000
Email: [email protected]
Twitter: @SecPompeo  @StateDept


  1. The Freedom Flotilla brings people from nations who care about humanity and they join together—-oh wait… UNITED NATIONS? Where are you? Palestine for SEVENTY years has been held in an Israeli concentration camp!
    If there is indeed a real UNITED NATIONS—where are all of you in defending the rights of Palestinians? EARTHLING have UNITED and have created a flotilla in bringing medical supplies and hope……so why is Israel attacking boats in international waters and putting people into prison? What happened to Israel? Who are these government people who are holding you hostage from care and concern of the Palestinians? Maybe it’s time to remind all humans that we are all Earthlings——and and one should stand by when others are injured—- if this is not so—–then where is your humanity?

  2. Congratulations to all involved in the Freedom Flotilla to Gaza.

    It is no surprise that the Israel military has boarded the “Al-Awda,” and taken the solidarity sailors prisoner. I consider it to be the height of hypocrisy for Israel to claim that the participants have broken international law while they are illegally occupying Palestinian lands and raiding vessels in international waters.

    But this is the way despotic regimes operate. In 1992, the Indonesian navy forced a peace ship, the “Lusitania Expresso” to leave international waters near the coast of East Timor. The ship had an international crew with international East Timor solidarity activists who were protesting against the 1991 Santa Cruz Massacre carried out by the fascist Indonesian military (TNI).

    The governments that support the Israeli illegal occupation of Palestine and turn a blind eye to its brutality and violations of Palestinian human rights behaved similarly towards the Indonesian dictatorship. The only factor that was different in the 2 cases was that the UN never acknowledged the Indonesian takeover. Ir should have done more to stop the invasion in the first place and should be doing more to apprehend the officers who committed the atrocities eg former generals Prabowo and Wiranto who were both candidates in the last Indonesian presidential elections. Wiranto is currently a government minister ie a UN declared war criminal is in the Indonesian cabinet!

    In all, the East Timorese suffered 24 years of occupation that led to the loss of a 1/3 of the population and destruction of 80% of their infrastructure. The Timorese won their freedom after the fall of the dictator Suharto thanks to a UN administered independence referendum and the fact that the TNI could not defeat the East Timorese resistance.

    All those who believe in democracy, freedom and human rights need to pressure their governments to stop supporting the rogue, apartheid and fascist state of Israel and demand recognition of the state of Palestine and to support a ban on all military supplies to Israel and to ban all exports from Israel (ie BDS) until Israel leaves lands belonging to Palestine and ceases its belligerent actions against Palestine.

    The rogue apartheid and fascist regime of South Africa was brought down by similar international actions.



  3. Keep it up Israel with your criminal actions against the Palestinians and now against a peaceful demonstration of protest bringing medical supplies to people that are forbidden to have them.
    Your days are numbered that much more .

  4. Israel’s attack on The Return and the kidnapping of those on board are violations of international law! Free these people now!

  5. I so much admire the courage and commitment to peace for the residents of Gaza being displayed by the participants in the Gaza Flotilla.

  6. And where is the response from the U.S. and Europe? All of us should demand that Israel follow international law or be ostracized. I appreciate the people on the boat doing this in the name of all of us who care about Palestine and Palestinian rights.

  7. Israel has again committed a crime under International Law against the Palestinians. It is imperative that the prisoners be released and the US stop supporting Israel! I am truly shocked..

  8. Israel is a criminal state managed by a bunch of goons and gangsters. Palestinians are human and they are valuable. USA and other countries supporting Israel are hypocritical. Release the prisoners and stop supporting the bullies.

  9. It like reading the script of a violent thriller, …. which in real life is not thrilling atall. It is shocking, appalling, amoral, illegal and yet will we hear about it ever on News or UN object, international Govts individually object, or is it the usual impunity for Israel?

Yoruma kapalı.