Home Participants My Leffler (Sweden, Sailing on Freedom)

My Leffler (Sweden, Sailing on Freedom)


My Leffler (Sweden)
Ship to Gaza Sweden
Sailing on Freedom

UPDATE: 15:00 CEST/8 August – My Leffler arrived today at Stockholm airport. Watch the video post her arrival on our Facebook page here

Watch My’s SOS video here

My main reason for participating in the Freedom Flotilla is to, at a personal level, draw attention to Israel’s immoral occupation of the Palestinian people, which is a violation of human rights.

To approach Gaza with medical supplies to try to break the blockade when the world is watching feels necessary.

Women have always been deeply committed to the fight for peace and I believe sisters on both sides of the conflict could be connected with a bond.

“To use conversation and listening as tools in the work for peace is the only possibility to reach long term agreements that will last.”