About the Freedom Flotilla Coalition 
The international Freedom Flotilla Coalition (FFC) is a grassroots people-to-people solidarity movement composed of campaigns and initiatives from all over the world working together to end the siege of Gaza. The campaigns participating in Right to a Just Future for Palestine are: Canadian Boat to Gaza, Freedom Flotilla Italia, MyCARE Malaysia, Kia Ora Gaza [New Zealand / Aotearoa], Ship to Gaza Norway, Palestine Solidarity Alliance [South Africa], Rumbo a Gaza [Spain], Ship to Gaza Sweden, US Boat to Gaza, International Committee for Breaking the Siege of Gaza, IHH [Turkey], Free Gaza Australia and “National Collective for Palestine” and “Platform of NGOs for Palestine” [France] Learn more about the Freedom Flotilla Coalition here, follow us on Facebook on Twitter and on Instagram.
Union of Agricultural Work Committees
UAWC was established in 1986 in response to the vulnerable socio-political circumstance of farmers that resulted from occupation policies in confiscating lands and water in the early eighties and therefore directly harmed the interests of farmers and Palestinians. The organization also represents Palestinian fishers in Gaza. You can follow the UAWC on Twitter, and their Facebook page for Gaza fishers (in Arabic).
We Are Not Numbers
The Freedom Flotilla Coalition is also partnering with WE ARE NOT
NUMBERS for this project. WE ARE NOT NUMBERS is a civil society initiative that works with young Palestinian writers and budding video journalists in Gaza, the West Bank and Lebanon to allow them to develop and share their stories with the world. Experienced authors mentor the youth to help convey the realities of life in Gaza. WE ARE NOT NUMBERS helps us to share the stories of the fishers in Gaza. For more information, follow them on Facebook and Twitter.