Home Participants Released Zohar Chamberlain Regev (Israel)

Zohar Chamberlain Regev (Israel)


Zohar Chamberlain Regev (Israel)
Freedom Flotilla Coalition
FFC Boat Leader of Al Awda, ‘The Return’

Zohar has now been released from unlawful detention in Israel.

Read an interview with her here, which describes the attack on ‘Al Awda’ and its participants and Press Freedom.

Other media articles featuring Zohar following flotilla:

Zohar Chamberlain Regev is an Israeli citizen (born and raised in Kibbutz Kfar Hahoresh, near Nazareth) who has lived in Spain for the last 14 years, and has participated in the coordination of Rumbo a Gaza, the Spanish component of the Freedom Flotilla, since 2012. Zohar is the owner of the Women’s Boat to Gaza Zaytouna-Oliva, seized in 2016 and still the object of court proceedings in Israel. Currently, she represents Rumbo a Gaza in “Right to a Just Future for Palestine” Steering Committee and is the Flotilla’s boat leader on board Al Awda.

“As a human being first of all, but also as an Israeli of Jewish origin, I am appalled by what is being done by Israel in Palestine in general and in Gaza in particular. We have always been told ‘how could the world be silent during the Holocaust’, now we know how…we have to stand by our Palestinian sisters and brothers in Gaza to save our own humanity.
As an amputee, I can only begin to imagine what it is like for people in Gaza who have lost their limbs in the brutal attacks and are still waiting to be fitted with prosthetic limbs, as one of the many consequences of the illegal Israeli blockade.”

Zohar can be interviewed in English, Hebrew or Spanish.


  1. Hi Zohar, I wanted to contact Roger Waters in Cologne, but there was no possibility by the cologne management agency. I wanted to ask him for a short statement… Have you any idea how to contact him? All the best to the flotilla! anneliese

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