Ángela Vallina is a Member of the European Parliament for the period 2014-19. She belongs to Spanish radical left party Izquierda Unida, the main political party in the Spanish state that has stood for the rights of Palestinians since 1986.

Former mayor for the municipality of Castrillón in the region of Asturias, she has been now working in the parliamentary committees on Petitions, Women’s rights and Gender Equality, and Regional Development. Besides, she is a member of the EP official delegations on relations with Palestine and Arabic Peninsula.

Regarding the struggle of the Palestinian people, Ángela has been very active defending the annulment of the current Association Agreement EU-Israel, the end of the Gaza blockade and the respect of the Geneva Convention and UN resolutions. Among her main parliamentary work during the current mandate, she has hosted two initiatives on human rights and women rights in Palestine at the European Parliament (end of 2014 and 2017), has tabled more than 100 written questions to EU High Representative Federica Mogherini concerning dozens of issues related to infringements of International Law by Israel, and has been part of two official missions to the Occupied Territories in 2014 and 2017 (in both cases with a refusal from the Israeli authorities to enter Gaza Strip).  

She can make live interviews in Spanish only. She also speaks English.