Video: One Year Ago Today – Israeli Warships Attacked ‘Al Awda’ On 29 July 2018 the Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) attacked our small fishing boat ‘Al Awda’ (The Return) in international waters. Listen to...
940 children under 18 shot by live fire, 35 died, according to the UN Independent Commission of Inquiry.

Freedom Flotilla Coalition: Shoulder to Shoulder with the Great Return March

On the first anniversary of the beginning of the #GreatReturnMarch protests by Palestinians in Gaza to mark #LandDay on March 30, the Freedom...

Vídeo – Fragatas israelíes se acercan a Al Awda

Hemos obtenido nuevo material grabado el 29 de julio 2018 que muestra el número de buques de guerra y otras embarcaciones de la...

Roger Waters apoya a la Flotilla de la Libertad

Roger Waters, ex miembro de la banda de Pink Floyd, ha producido un video de apoyo para la Flotilla de la Libertad que...
First boxes of medical supplies arrive at AlAwda in port of Naples

Gasas para Gaza, necesitamos tu donación

Imagina que eres gravemente herido y llevado a una sala de emergencias que ni siquiera tiene los suministros médicos más básicos: suturas para...

Ramzy Baroud & Mike Treen discuss flotilla to Gaza Video: Mike Treen with Palestinian writer Ramzy Baroud on why he is going on the Flotilla in July 2018, to break the Israeli...

‘Freedom’ in Brighton 5-8 June

From the participants aboard the yacht ‘Freedom’ and the Freedom Flotilla Coalition, thank you to the good people of Brighton, in particular Brighton...

Roger Waters in Barcelona “Everyone with Palestine” : video

VIDEO: Norwegian choir sings on board #AlAwda (the Return) in Bergen

VIDEO: Choir on board #AlAwda (The Return), in the harbour of Bergen (Norway), during the farewell party on April 30. Hundreds of people...