Media Release
For Immediate release.
UPDATED, July 19: Due to technical delays, boats will sail later.
Both AlAwda (The Return) and Freedom require work that will delay their departure by a day or two. We will update when we can confirm their departure.

Four boats from the ‘Right to a Just Future for Palestine’ Freedom Flotilla Coalition are scheduled to leave Palermo, Sicily, to break the illegal Israeli blockade of Gaza, and to assert the Palestinian people’s right to freedom of movement and their right to a just future. As we mark 100 years since the birth of Nelson Mandela, we recall his words on his release from prison in 1990: “We know too well that our freedom is incomplete without the freedom of the Palestinians.”

As always, our boats carry representatives from across the world and messages of love and solidarity for those living under the inhumane, decade-old blockade – the collective punishment on the civilian Palestinian population of Gaza. Given the dire situation in Palestinian hospitals, we are also transporting some urgently needed medical supplies (#Gauze4Gaza).

This need is even more critical given the thousands of people severely wounded by Israeli snipers and tear gas in the past few months during the Great March of Return protests (see 10 July UN report on serious injuries).

Last week, small boats attempting to leave Gaza, carrying Palestinians seeking urgent medical attention, were also attacked by Israeli Occupation Forces.

The stories of the Flotilla’s journey over two months and more than 15 European ports, including photos and videos, are available on our website and social media sites (see below). We are pleased with the increasing support for the Flotilla and its objectives, by prominent politicians, artists and activists, including Roger Waters.

It is also encouraging to see the local welcomes we are being given, including by the Mayor of Palermo who rightly connects our campaign with the Caravana Abriendo Fronteras, who have just arrived from Spain, and similar demands for the opening of borders and freedom of movement from the City Council of Cádiz (Spain) and Naples (Italy).

Spokesperson for the International Committee for Breaking the Siege of Gaza, James Godfrey said: “This Flotilla is necessary to highlight the international community’s failure and its ongoing complicity in the illegal blockade of over two million Palestinians in Gaza, more than half of them children, the vast majority of whom are Palestinian refugees. When governments fail to act, we as people must act, so that eventually, leaders follow.”

More info about the ‘Right to a Just Future for Palestine’ flotilla:

Contact info for media spokespersons:
who can contact participants to arrange interviews.

Background on participants and their stories:

Photo credit: ‘Al Awda’ in foreground and ‘Falestine’ and ‘Mairead’ in background, taken from on board ‘Freedom’ (by ‘Freedom’ Participant, Youssef Sammour)


  1. I am sending you all my love. This terrible 100 year long episode of cruelty needs to be drawn to a close, so that freedom and dignity can be restored. We are all Palestinian. ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

  2. I am following your journey and wish you and all who sail with you every success and safe keeping, love and God Bless, Theresa, London xxx

  3. Félicitations à vous !
    qu’une juive soit à bord est bon signe !
    Je ne pense pas que le gouvernement Micron fera quelque chose en votre faveur, ni les militaires aux ordres, à moins que les dissidents discrets de l’armée française, vous appuient.

    Demandez donc aux Russes de vous épauler physiquement, je crois qu’ils répondront favorablement, et aux chinois, peut-être les anglais (nous faisons partie des membres permanents du droit de veto aux Nations Unies.

    S’il advenait que votre ONG ne puisse pas accoster en Palestine, déposez une plainte aux Nations Unies et au Tribunal Pénal International, car le préambule de la Charte des Nations Unies stipule la libre circulation des personnes (tous les états voyous qui siègent aux Nations Unies et imposent un visa sont donc parjures !)
    Mes pensées de réussite et mes prières-méditations vous accompagnent !

    Bravo à vous, si vous avez besoin d’un infirmier à la retraite, je suis volontaire pour aller avec vous. Guy DENYS

  4. You have my blessing and that of all humanitarians I know.
    I wish that you had a military escort from Russia, Turkey, or even Spain or Italy.

    • We are a non-violent movement, we do not seek and would not accept a military escort.
      If the states you mention want to end the blockade, they can take serious political action against the occupier.

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