On 23rd June the Freedom Flotilla arrives at the port of  Cádiz on its way from Lisbon, headed for the Mediterranean. It is an opportunity for both local residents and visitors to show their support for the Palestinian people, sending a message to the Spanish government demanding that it ends its complicity with the illegal blockade of Gaza and the occupation of Palestine.

Programme of activities from 23rd to 26th June to mark the occasion of the arrival of the vessels Al Awda (The Return) and Freedom to the port of Cádiz.

Saturday 23rd June

19:00 to 21:00h  “A Future for the children of Gaza”: Activities for the children in Plaza San Juan de Dios.

Sunday 24th June

11:30 to 20:00h. Guided visits to the boats that will break the blockade.

12:00 Institutional act of recognition of the work of the Flotilla in the Plenary Hall of the Town Council.

18:00 Docu-web “To Exist is to Resist”, Baluarte de la Candelaria.

20:00 to 22:00h. “Midsummer Night’s Dream for Gaza”, open dress rehearsal, Parque Genovés.

Monday 25th June

*10:00h Conference “A Dignified Future for Palestine” in the Casa de Iberoamérica.

*10:00h Breaking the blockade. The Freedom Flotilla.

*11:00h Struggle and resistance women movements in Palestine.

*12:00h Reacting against violations of Human Rights (BDS space).

20:00 Cabaret/circus show in the street for freedom and justice in Gaza. Plaza San Juan de Dios.

22:00 Concert “A Dignified Future for Palestine”, Plaza San Juan de Dios.

Tuesday 26th June

19:00 Flotilla’s farewell and great march for the Right of Return of refugees.

Follow the Freedom Flotilla:
Facebook: FreedomFlotillaCoalition
Twitter @GazaFFlotilla


  1. Hello i will be at Lisboa to welcome the boat, can somebody give me a time Morning, afternoon for the 29.6? Jasmine BDS Zuerich

  2. Deseando acompañaros en Cádiz.Desde la Sierra de Huelva bajaremos unas cuantas a desearos suerte y acierto con el timón.

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