The Freedom Flotilla Coalition’s 19 meter boat Al Awda (The Return) is scheduled to arrive in La Rochelle, France on Thursday June 7 and stay until Saturday June 9.

This visit will give people from La Rochelle and the region of Charente Maritime an opportunity to show their support for the Palestinian people of Gaza and to send a message to the French government to end its complicity in the ongoing illegal blockade.

Grand MERCI to our friends at the Association France-Palestine de Solidarité (17) and the Collectif Rochelais pour la Palestine for organizing this welcome including the following activities:

Friday June 8, 11am: Press conference with organizers of the mission and representatives of national solidarity organizations (Association France-Palestine de Solidarité 17 and the Collectif Rochelais pour La Palestine, as well as Plateforme des ONG françaises pour la Palestine) at the CGT Maritime Union Hall, Square Bobinec, Avenue du 123ème, La Rochelle (across from the bassin des chalutiers).

Friday June 8, 8pm: A public talk about the 2018 mission and the situation in Gaza, at Salle des fêtes de La Pallice, 42 Boulevard Emile Delmas. (with Sarah Katz, Union Juive Française pour la Paix, Bertrand Heilbronn, AFPS, Claude Léostic, Plateforme des ONG pour la Palestine, David Heap, Freedom Flotilla Coalition).

Saturday June 9, 3pm: a gathering dockside, by the boat (bassin des chalutiers)

You are all invited to come and show your solidarity!

Follow the Freedom Flotilla online:
Twitter @GazaFFlotilla